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smooth finger dosimter

Why measure extremity dose?

According to different studies like ORAMED (Optimization of RAdiation protection of MEDical staff), extremity dosimetry is mostly used in Interventional radiology and nuclear medicine. The worker in those fields are the most exposed.

LANDAUER introduces the SATURN® dosimeter. This ring dosimeter allows you to reconcile wearing comfort, hygiene and reading performance.

The SATURN ring measures exposure due to X, gamma and beta radiation with thermoluminescent technology. The TLD material is based on natural lithium floride providing the highest sensitivity.

  • Flexible fit for unequalled comfort
  • Precise reading – minimum reportable dose of 0.1 mSv
  • A ring designed to maximise hygiene
  • 2D barcode for easy scanning into

The only one-piece ring dosimeter on the market

To ensure easy cleaning and disinfection, the ring is one-piece, with no corner or gap.

SATURN dosimeter measures radiation exposure due to Photons (X and Gamma) and Beta radiation. It is insensitive to neutron radiation.

3 sizes

Saturn color dosimeter period

3 colours

Dosimeter technologies
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